Passionfruit Concentrates, Purees & NFC's

Passion fruit: (Fair Trade)

Concentrates, Purees & NFC's

Technical product information

The passion fruit juice is a pure and natural product without additives and / or preservatives.
The juice is extracted by mechanical extraction from passion fruit and belongs to the family group Passiflora edulis Sims. The minimum required brix value for freshly pressed juice is 12,4 Âº and is in accordance with the A.I.J.N. Code of Practice.

The juice can also be concentrated by evaporation of the water from the natural juice, thus reducing the number of brix value increases per unit. For concentrate applies in general a brix value of 50 º.

The Fair Trade Passion Fruit Juice is produced according to the guidelines of the Fair Trade Labelling Organisation (F.L.O.) and is certified by FLO Cert GmbH in Bonn. This allows the product to bear the quality mark Fair Trade Certified Orange Juice and also characterized by the Fair Trade / Max Havelaar logo.

For each produced and sold Metric Tonne (concentrated) Passion Fruit Juice, the minimum selling price has been paid according the Fair Trade Standards.  To the relevant farmers organizations that produced the product, over the total selling volume, there will be paid on the minimum selling price an extra Fair Trade premium. In a democratic consultation, the farmer organizations shall define together how and where they want to reinvest these funds. Often these funds are spent on the development of the farmers organization and its environment. By developing the farmer organization, individual farmers getting a better market position for the product they're producing. At the same time the possibility is created to improve their own living standard.

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