Peach Concentrates, Purees & NFC's

Peach: (Geographical Identified)

Concentrates, Purees & NFC's

Technical product information

The peach puree is a pure and natural product without additives and / or preservatives.
The mash is withdrawn by mechanical extraction from peaches and belongs to the family group Prunus persica L.
The minimum required brix value for freshly pressed puree is 9 Âº and is in accordance with the A.I.J.N. Code of Practice.

The mash can also be concentrated by evaporation of the water from the natural puree, so that the number of brix value increases per unit. For concentrate is the generally accepted market standard, a brix value from 30 Âº to 32 º.

In particular the peach puree is produced in South Europe, Middle East and South Africa. In consultation we can select the territories and / or producers where you want to have the juice imported from and under which conditions the product must be produced.

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+31 487 50 65 76